
Movies were the best time-pass for me. And as I grew up, it was more than merely watching a movie. I began to think of the performances, the details and especially the music in each movie. This is recent, and I have started looking back to the movies I missed. It so happens that a few of my close friends are film critics (and good ones!) which helps me think more about films and discuss. So here is my take on cinema, and what I like in it.

Pazhalaya Padam

On screen partnerships - Hollywood - I

Welcome to the shaft!

I thought long and hard whether I should create a blog. And I did. But there was more thinking, on what I could write and how often. At last, I am now starting to write in my blog, three years after I created it. It's not just about what I think, but also on what people think.

As of now, I start off with Cinema - my forte, and Science - my occupation! But instead of the usual movie reviews, I think of some general subjects in movies - good cameo roles, best action sequences, and more. And Science as we know it, comes hard on facts. I take it lightly though. Science is fun. So no hardcore details on any subject here, but a little peep into what is really happening and what I/we think about it.

What follow would be my 'spontaneous overflow of emotions recollected in tranquility' as William Wordsworth put it. No poems though, I'm saving them for publishing! ;-) Just my usual practice of writing about something that I don't like, my observations in the street corner, the song I like...

Victuals are food for thoughts. Right, no one would expect a guy to have a column for food! But here it is, a section for food. It is my version of what food is, how we relate food and science, some fun facts, and of course, occasional recipes from my end. You can talk to my roommate on my cooking expertise!

That was quite a long intro! Did not think I would write so much, just happened the way I write an exam. Anyway, read on and let me know how I do...